Saturday, February 11, 2012

Book Review: "Give Death a Chance: The British Zombie Invasion 2"

Well... I never thought I'd end up doing a book review, but here I am! I really loved this book, so much so that I decided to review it (oh, and there's also the fact that I received the book in advance because I promised to review it, but...)! What would happen if The Beatles reunited and toured? What would happed if they were ZOMBIES and reunited and toured? Well, that's what the book's about. It's called Give Death a Chance: the British Zombie Invasion 2, and it's by an amazing author named Alan Goldsher. As you may have gathered from the title, it's a sequel to an earlier book: Paul Is Undead: The British Zombie Invasion, which was an amazingly hilarious book by itself.
This book was much shorter than the first in the duo, weighing in at eighty-something ebook pages, compared to the original, which was a relatively hefty print novel. That's another thing: it's only available as an ebook. But it shouldn't matter too much, as Barnes and Noble and Amazon both have free computer based ereaders for those of you without a dedicated device. But, despite its slightly small stature, Give Death a Chance was highly entertaining. We follow three zombified Beatles plus one Ninja Ringo and Mr. Goldsher across the US on The Beatles' Poppermost Over America tour. We watch them get into hilarious conflicts with pop stars, presidents, and rednecks. We see their humorous brawls amongst themselves, all the while being assaulted with foul language and rotting, smelly imagery of stinking limbs and festering wounds. Give Death a Chance is a fun, quick read, and will be available as an EBOOK ONLY on March 27th, 2012.You will be able to purchase it from Barnes and Noble and Amazon.